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Mar 1 2023


NAPLES, Italy – Students and teachers from Scientific Lyceum "LUIGI GAROFANO”, Capua, Caserta, visited Allied Joint Force Command Naples March 1, 2023.

NAPLES, Italy – Students and teachers from High School “Luigi Garofano” located in Capua, Caserta, visited the JFC Naples facility on March 1, 2023.

Lieutenant General Vasco Angelotti, the JFC Naples Chief of Staff, addressed the participants with welcoming remarks.

“I have noted in the students a lot of attention and particular interest” he continued “they spent two hours and half showing participation and good preparation. They are the future of our nation. Without any doubt this is also the result of the excellent education received by their teachers”

he concluded.

The school’s students and teachers were given a historical overview of NATO and JFC Naples, and on the conflict in Ukraine, the role of the NATO international civilians, and the importance of communication and cyber security.

Students and teachers from High School “Luigi Garofano” located in Capua, Caserta, during theier visit at JFC Naples facility on March 1, 2023.

At the end of the presentations, students and teachers participated in a questions and answers session with the general and the briefers.

“Today’s visit has represented a very formative and educational opportunity not only for the students but also for me and the teachers” Maria Chiara Menditto, Principal of the School said “we understood how important is correct communication because disinformation is one of the worst risks and social media is part of these risks” she continued “In fact we have noted how sad the students were at the moment to store their cellular phones in the cabinets” she gently concluded while smiling.

“I am impressed by the professionalism, the clarity and the determination of all the briefers” 11th grade student Yasmine Abed said “this visit turned out beyond my expectations” “I was also impressed by the open and transparent communication of the General” she continued “he has been able to involve all of us, he was an authority figure but not authoritarian at all” she concluded.

“The General and the briefers have been very friendly and we immediately felt comfortable” Flavio Rossetti 12th grade said “I have very much appreciated the final part of the conference conducted in English” he concluded.

The students also had a chance to visit the Community Center and its facilities.

The school visits are part of a community relations campaign designed to establish strong cultural and social links with civic society and to strengthen the relationship with local and regional institutions.

Story by Diana Sodano JFC Naples Public Affairs Office

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Allied Joint Force Command Naples
Via Madonna del Pantano
80014 Lago Patria
Giugliano in Campania, Naples, Italy

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Public Affairs Office
Attn: Media Section
80014 Lago Patria
Naples, ITALY