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May 26 2023

Local High School Visited JFC Naples

Naples, Italy – Students and teachers from High School “Giancarlo Siani”, located in Casalnuovo, Naples, visited the JFC Naples facility on May 24, 2023.

Lieutenant General Vasco Angelotti, the JFC Naples Chief of Staff, on behalf of COM JFCNP, addressed the participants with welcoming remarks.

“I am very satisfied with today’s visit,” Lt.Gen. Angelotti said. “I noted a lot of attention and participation from the students.”

“I wish the students a successful ending to the school year and I hope to see you again in future,” he concluded.

During the visit, the students and teachers were given a historical overview of NATO, JFC Naples, the role of the NATO international civilians, the conflict in Ukraine and the importance of communication and cyber security.

At the end of the presentations, students and teachers participated in a questions and answers session with the general and the briefers.


“I want to thank, on behalf of the Principal of the School, Prof. Luisa De Simone, for the warm hospitality and the exceptional organization of our visit,” Prof. Rosa Cammisa said

“I did not expect such thoughtful event, we have been warmly welcomed and we immediately felt at home,” she continued.

“We have felt a big hug from you and you have passed on to us the values of being united. We really appreciate the hard work of the military and civilian personnel working at JFC Naples and we appreciate the clear communication in your briefings delivered in an easy and direct language”.

“In fact, incredibly the students have been for 2 hours without the cellulars,” she continued.

“Thank you for the symbols you have used like the color blue for the NATO star like also the color of the sea of Naples where we live and the Naples soccer team” she concluded with a smile.

“I have been positively impressed by today’s visit,” said Claudia Caiazzo, 14 year-old student. “I thought that the NATO world was so far from us.”

“We found a very friendly and warm welcome here, the visit was much higher than my expectations,” she concluded.

“It has been great to touch with my hands, a reality which I have seen only in the movies” Raffaele Luongo, 15 years student said.

”All the briefings were very interesting and fascinating and were delivered in an easily understandable language” he concluded.

At the end of the presentations, the students asked Lieutenant General Angelotti to sing an autograph on their notebooks.

The students also had a chance to visit the Community Center and its facilities.

The school visits are part of a community relations campaign designed to establish strong cultural and social links with civic society and to strengthen the relationship with local and regional institutions.

Story by Diana Sodano, JFC Naples Public Affairs Office

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Allied Joint Force Command Naples
Via Madonna del Pantano
80014 Lago Patria
Giugliano in Campania, Naples, Italy

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80014 Lago Patria
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