Doha, Qatar - The second Regional Collective Training Event Planning Workshop in support of the Regional Exercise 2023 took place from 12-17 Feb in Doha, Qatar at the recently commissioned Qatari Joint Warfare Training Center.
A JFC Naples team comprised of members from J7 and J9, in conjunction with host nation personnel from Qatar’s Joint Warfare Training Center facilitated the Workshop where 86 participants encompassing NATO, Qatar, and 11 additional Partner nations took part (Armenia, Azerbaijan, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Egypt, Georgia, Jordan, Morocco, Moldova, Pakistan, Tunisia, and Uzbekistan).
The REGEX is a NATO-supported opportunity for partner countries to plan and conduct an exercise, shaping it to meet national training requirements. The process involves a designated Partner Nation acting as host, inviting all other NATO Partners to participate in the planning and execution of a national-level exercise.
The second workshop concluded the first cycle on learning the basis of the NATO Exercise Planning Process (EPP). During this cycle, attendees were challenged to build training objectives, develop exercise specifications and develop the designated scenario module. Participants are now ready to begin the process of developing an exercise Initial Planning Conference during the upcoming third Workshop that will take place in March.
REGEX will culminate in the execution phase in November 2023.
The REGEX initiative supports NATO objectives:
· by making partners familiar with NATO procedures;
· by building trust and mutual understanding in the region;
· whilst also promoting increased interoperability.