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Dec 1 2023

JFC Naples Tree Lighting Ceremony

U.S. Naval Forces Europe Band and That’s Napoli Live Show Choir
Holiday Music Performance

LAGO PATRIA - On Friday 1st December 2023, Allied Joint Force Command Naples (JFC Naples) hosted the annual Tree Lighting Ceremony at its headquarters in Via Madonna del Pantano, Lago Patria, Naples. The event began at 17.00 with the welcome remarks by Admiral Stuart B. Munsch, Commander Allied Joint Force Commander Naples, and continued with his official lighting of the tree followed by the music performance by the U.S. Naval Forces Europe Band and with the exceptional performance of the That’s Napoli Live Show choir directed by Maestro Carlo Morelli.

The exquisite joint performance by That’s Napoli Live Show and the U.S. Naval Forces Europe Band was a great culmination of this wonderful community event

“Today’s tree lighting ceremony was a great opportunity for our NATO team to interact with the local Napoli community in the spirit of the holidays,” said Adm. Stuart B. Munsch, Commander, Allied Joint Force Command Naples. “The exquisite joint performance by That’s Napoli Live Show and the U.S. Naval Forces Europe Band was a great culmination of this wonderful community event”

whatsapp-image-2023-12-01-at-5.39.46-pm-(1)-zzvqj2 whatsapp-image-2023-12-01-at-5.39.46-pm-t3xSK3   “Today’s event is proof of the relationship that my band has with NATO that began more than three years ago” Maestro Morelli said “It is a great honour for me to participate at this  ceremony that unities all of us in a day of fete” he concluded.

That’s Napoli Live Show is a musical ensemble conceived and directed by Maestro Carlo Morelli. It includes 17 singers in addition to 4 musicians. All these boys and girls in the group have strong personalities and very diverse voices, which come together for the sole purpose of cheering up and conveying positive feelings to the public through music. The US Navy Band and That’s Napoli Live Show have working in partnership for a number of years already and have invariably reaped great public success.

JFC Naples has maintained an important connection with the local community in the Campania Region through the years, and has operated out of Bagnoli, Naples as well as its current location in Lago Patria.

NATO is the world’s most successful alliance. Throughout its success over the last 75 years, Italy and in particular Naples has played a significant role. From maintaining the sea lines of communication in the Mediterranean during the Cold War, to involvement in the Western Balkans in the 1990s.

A NATO Operational headquarters for Southern Europe, JFC Naples leads multinational Battlegroups in Romania and Bulgaria, missions in Iraq with the NATO Mission Iraq and in Kosovo with the Kosovo Force. To learn more about the history of JFC NAPLES, visit


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Story by JFC Naples Public Affairs Office

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Allied Joint Force Command Naples
Via Madonna del Pantano
80014 Lago Patria
Giugliano in Campania, Naples, Italy

Media Operations

Public Affairs Office
Attn: Media Section
80014 Lago Patria
Naples, ITALY