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May 12 2023

JFC Naples Non-Commissioned Officer (NCO) Joint Mobile Training Team (JMTT) in Morocco

Rabat, Morocco – The Allied Joint Force Command Naples Joint Mobile Training Team conducted a leadership course with Moroccan noncommissioned officers (NCO) at the Forces Armées Royales (FAR) Language School in Rabat, May 8 to 12, 2023.

A five-person multi-national team comprised of senior non-commissioned officers coming from multiple divisions within JFC Naples trained 29 Moroccan NCOs in leadership, counseling, communication, ethics and NATO orientation. They have all successfully participated to this 5-days workshop, receiving the fundamental training skills for NCOs who operate in a NATO environment. Moroccan students were curious and interactive as it was the first contact with multi-national service members for many of them.

The course was comprised of presentations, syndicate work and discussions, all of which aimed to spread the idea of unified multi-national perspectives of NATO and partner nations. Students pointed out that it was very useful to get more information about improvement of leadership, stress management and ethical behavior. They were also very interested in all the topics including cultural diversity and effective communications.

OR-8 Janus SOWKA (DEU) delivers a lecture on “Introduction to Leadership” to the 29 participants during NCO-JMTT, 8-12 May 2023.

The FAR language school director, Col Hassan Ouchker, was delighted to have 29 NCOs present in the lecture theatre and stressed the importance of learning from each other as well from NATO. He underlined the benefit of this experience, the professionalism of JFC Naples Joint Mobile Training Team and Morocco’s willingness to invest more and more in training its personnel to NATO standards.

Morocco is an active NATO partner country, and has been a member of the Mediterranean Dialogue Framework since 1995. Morocco currently participates in numerous NATO initiatives including multiple NATO exercises, senior executive NATO courses and other key leader engagements. JFC Naples Mobile Training Teams are a vital part of partnership between NATO and Morocco as it ensures the military partnership is meeting the needs of the Moroccan Armed Forces and generates partnering activity that is in-line with NATO’s Military Committee’s Direction and Guidance. It also supports NATO’s broader aims to help build the trust and understanding that will lead to better cooperation in the region while increasing military interoperability for future NATO missions.


Course Photo with both School and NCO-JMTT Instructional Staff.

Story by JFC Naples J2

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Allied Joint Force Command Naples
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