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May 26 2023

JFC Naples Chief of Staff Connects with the University of Naples Federico II

Naples, Italy, 11th of May 2023 - Lieutenant General Vasco Angelotti, Allied Joint Force Command Naples Chief of Staff, in close coordination with Prof. Vittorio Amato, director of the Department of Political Science, and Prof. Stallone Settimio, who teaches History of International Relations, delivered a lecture titled “NATO and the Strategic Concept 2022” to the students of the Department of Political Science, University of Naples, Federico II. 

Prof. Amato opened the seminar stressing the importance of collaborative events with Joint Force Command Naples, which provide unique one-of-a-kind experiences and learning opportunities of significant relevance for the students.

Professor Stallone then made a very comprehensive overview on the 70 years of NATO between past successes and present challenges. Prof Stallone’s historical discourse went from the very beginning of NATO’s foundation including the fall of Berlin wall, the Mediterranean Dialogue, the Istanbul Cooperation Initiative, the Partnership for Peace, the NATO-RUSSIA Council and the more recent events in Ukraine.

On behalf of Admiral Munsch, JFC Naples Commander, Lt. Gen. Angelotti expressed his gratitude to the professors, students and University Federico II, for organizing the event and the opportunity given to be part of this seminar. Gen. Angelotti began with an overview of the political-military structure of NATO and JFC Naples, highlighting NATO’s ability to respond to crisis, while maintaining an active role in supporting Allied Partners. He also mentioned Italy’s importance as one of the founding Nations of the Alliance and its important contributions to peace over the years.

Lt. Gen. Angelotti also discussed the vital role JFC Naples continues to play in maintaining peace and stability, and mentioned the several missions and operations under its command.

Then the focus was on the strategic Concept.

NATO’s strategic concept is the guiding light of all Alliance activities and it has been constantly adapted to the scenario changes and provides guidelines for political and military actions” Lt. Gen. Angelotti said.

Lt. Gen. Angelotti added “Deterrence is the founding theme of the strategic concept, and is still valid in this time of unprecedented security challenges to the Alliance”. To deter means, quoting a Latin proverb, “Si vis pacem para bellum’ which means if you want peace prepare for war. This is what NATO is doing in all domains as a defensive, political and military Alliance” he said.

NATO pursues the concept of deterrence through the continuous efficiency enhancement of the military instrument and daily diplomatic efforts both with the aim of reaffirming the Alliance's firm resolve to defend every inch of Allied territory.

The current Strategic Concept (2022) reaffirms that NATO’s key purpose is to ensure the collective defence of its members, based on a 360-degree approach, and outlines three essential core tasks – deterrence and defence, crisis prevention and management, and cooperative security.

Prof. Amato concluded saying “The success of NATO today is evident to all of us, the stability is due to NATO’s deterrence capacity, and (potential) adversaries have a very clear understanding that the Alliance is united and prepared”. During his closing remarks he thanked General Angelotti for his contribution in clarifying the importance of NATO as a political-military organization whose purpose is the protection of its members”.

More than 150 students attended the seminar and showed a high level of interest in the topics covered and many of them asked for the opportunity to ask questions. The students interests were related to topics including NATO relations with other Global Powers (China, India etc etc), NATO's Article V, the South flank and opportunities for civilian to work with NATO.

This seminar is part of the cooperation among the University and NATO and it is an example of how cooperation between institutions brings to social and cultural growth and to the strengthening of relations.


Italian Army Lieutenant General Vasco Angelotti, Allied Joint Force Command Naples Chief of Staff, delivers a lecture to the students of Professor Vittorio Amato, Head of the Department of the Political Science, University of Naples, Federico II, May 11

Story by Diana Sodano, JFC Naples Public Affairs Office

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