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Nov 22 2023

JFC Naples and U.S. Naval Forces Band participate in Wednesday Audience with Pope at Vatican

Vatican, Rome – Members of the Allied Joint Force Command Naples (JFC Naples) joined a Wednesday audience with the Pope at The Vatican on November 22.  

This special event, held in Piazza San Pietro, featured performances by the U.S. Naval Forces Europe and Africa Band and “The earth of the sounds” Band formed by students from GB Basile and Don Salvatore Vitale secondary schools in Giugliano in Campania, Naples, Italy. The two bands, with great pride, played musical pieces during the Pontifical audience.

Admiral Stuart Munsch, Commander of JFC Naples, and Giugliano's Mayor, Nicola Pirozzi, were in attendance, underscoring JFC Naples' dedication to cultural diplomacy and its continued efforts to enhance ties with local communities through shared cultural experiences.

JFC Naples is a key NATO command in Southern Europe, actively engaging in initiatives that strengthen community relations and promote cultural understanding.


Admiral Stuart Munsch, Commander of JFC Naples shakes the hand of Pope Francis during the weekly general audience in Saint Peter's Square at the Vatican, November 22, 2023.

Story by JFC Naples Public Affairs Office

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Allied Joint Force Command Naples
Via Madonna del Pantano
80014 Lago Patria
Giugliano in Campania, Naples, Italy

Media Operations

Public Affairs Office
Attn: Media Section
80014 Lago Patria
Naples, ITALY