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Feb 20 2023

Japanese Self Defense Forces Joint Staff College visits JFCNP

Naples, Italy 14 February 2023 - Following a meeting between the Chief of Staff of Japan’s Maritime Self-Defense Forces and Commander JFCNP last October, one result has been a recent visit by the Joint Staff College (JSC) of the Japanese Self Defense Forces. Under the leadership of its commander, VAdm Futakawa, three instructors and nearly 20 course participants spent a day at the base in Lago Patria. The group of students also included two officers from South Korea.

This visit was a field study planned by the JSC and is part of the Joint Advanced Course’s curriculum. The mission of the college is to educate senior officers on Joint Operations necessary to function as a commanding or a senior staff officer of major commands.

After a general overview of the organization and tasks of JFCNP, there was a briefing on military partnerships. NATO and Japan have been engaged in dialogue and cooperation since initial contacts in early 1990s. Japan is one of a number of countries beyond the Euro-Atlantic area – often referred to as “Partners across the globe” – with which NATO is developing relations.

 Joint Staff College (JSC) of the Japanese Self Defense Forces during their visit at JFC Naples on 14 February 2023 in Naples, Italy. 

The guests had the opportunity to visit the CJOC where they received a briefing from the CJOC Director. Afterwards the NSD-S Hub Director informed about the tasks and products of his "think tank".

The students asked numerous very interesting questions - especially during a round table discussion with COM JFCNP. Admiral Munsch went into detail about the tasks of the course participants, including what future challenges and requirements will look like.

Other stops on the European visit of JSC included the NATO Defense College and the Center for High Defense Studies of the Italian forces in Rome on the following days.

The JSC’s visit to JFCN has enabled the students to deepen their knowledge of Joint Operations and reconfirm the importance of solidarity between Allies against international crises.

LTC J.-Mathias Roth DEU-A, J9 Military Partnership Branch Joint Force Command Naples

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Allied Joint Force Command Naples
Via Madonna del Pantano
80014 Lago Patria
Giugliano in Campania, Naples, Italy

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