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Feb 2 2023

First NATO AFRICAN UNION Cooperation (NAUC) Workshop

On 26 January 2023, the first NATO African Union (AU) Workshop took place at Joint Force Command Naples (JFCNP). ACOS J9, Brigadier General Dieter KOHL, chaired the event.

Representatives from the NATO’s International and Military Staffs, Joint Force Command Naples and their Southern Hub specialists, as well as SHAPE’s Comprehensive Crisis and Operations Management Centre, took an active part in the discussions with the AU. These focused on sharing ideas on the future of the NATO-AU Cooperation; how to the improve the overall mission, improving political dialogue between AU and NATO and how to progress the effectiveness of the mission through military links.

Representatives from the NATO’s International and Military Staffs, Joint Force Command Naples and their Southern Hub specialists, as well as SHAPE’s Comprehensive Crisis and Operations Management Centre during the first NATO African Union Cooperation Workshop at HQ JFC Naples on 26 January 2023.

A full day of discussion led to a positive exchange of ideas, views and experiences on common challenges. Overall, the event saw an increase in mutual knowledge and understanding providing direction on how NATO can further develop the cooperation for the sake of the African continent, which we consider most important to the stability of the Euro-Atlantic area.

This NATO-AU cooperation Workshop lays a further brick in the construction of the security network among NATO Allied countries and partners.

Story by LTC Giuseppe Gadaleta ITA-A,  J9 Military Partnership Branch

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