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Sep 26 2023

Exercise Noble Blueprint Wraps at Novo Selo Bulgaria

Novo Selo Training Area, Bulgaria - Exercise Noble Blueprint 2023 culminated as NATO’s Multinational Battlegroup Bulgaria demonstrated their capabilities to international guests at the Novo Selo Training Range in Bulgaria, Sept 26.

Noble Blueprint demonstrates alliance cohesion, through the concept of “Know each other, before we need each other”. The exercise is designed to establish a clear understanding of combined national operational capabilities for defensive operations, and demonstrates NATO’s commitment to deterrence and defence of NATO Allies.

It’s a dangerous time, and that requires a steady hand and a determined posture on NATO’s Eastern flank

Defensive in nature, Noble Blueprint is part of NATO’s collective training and exercise program, and enables operational and tactical level commanders to achieve a comprehensive understanding of the critical terrain in Bulgaria through visualization of the battlespace. It features the participation of seven NATO Allies: Albania, Bulgaria (the host nation) Greece, Italy, Montenegro, Northern Macedonia, and the United States.

“Noble Blueprint brings a wide variety of capabilities to show our ability to defend in multiple domains, including on the ground and in the air,” said Admiral Stuart Munsch, commander, Allied Joint Forces Command Naples.  "It’s a dangerous time, and that requires a steady hand and a determined posture on NATO’s Eastern flank, which is relatively close to Russia’s illegal war of aggression in Ukraine," added Munsch. 

The exercise is designed to establish a clear understanding of combined national operational capabilities for defensive operations. The exercise demonstrates NATO’s commitment to deterrence and a cohesive defence of NATO Allies.

Admiral Emil Eftimov, Bulgarian Chief of Defence (left) and Admiral Stuart B. Munsch, Commander Joint Forces Command Naples, address media members and dignitaries at the conclusion of Exercise Noble Blueprint, at the Novo Selo Training Range, Bulgaria, Sept 26, 2023.
Admiral Stuart B. Munsch, Commander of Joint Forces Command Naples, greets a Greek Soldier at the end of Exercise Noble Blueprint at the Novo Selo Training Range, Bulgaria, Sept 26, 2023. 
Admiral Stuart B. Munsch, Commander of Joint Forces Command Naples (right) and Colonel Michelangelo Genchi, Commander of the Multinational Battlegroup in Bulgaria, speak with an Italian Soldier at a static weapons display at the end of Exercise Noble Blueprint, at the Novo Selo Training Range, Bulgaria, Sept 26, 2023. 

Story by JFC Naples Public Affairs Office

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