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Oct 21 2022

NATO and the african union conduct Seventh round of military-to-military staff talks

BRUSSELS -- On 17-18 October 2022, the seventh round of military-to-military staff talks took place at the NATO Headquarters.

IMS Cooperative Security Division Director, Major General Francesco Diella, chaired the event. Lieutenant General Antonio Lamas Xavier led the AU delegation.

Representatives from the NATO International Staff, the NATO Strategic Direction South Hub Naples, Allied Joint Force Command Naples and SHAPE’s Comprehensive Crisis and Operations Management Centre were also present and took an active part in the discussions. 

The discussions focused on readiness, education and training, participation in exercises as well as capacity building and gender mainstreaming.

Representatives attending the seventh round of the military-to-military staff talks with the African Union pose for a photograph at the NATO HQ in Brussels. The attendees at the event came together for two days of intense discussion and exchange of ideas on the African continent.

The event included two days of intense discussion and exchange of ideas, views and experiences on common challenges, in order to increase mutual knowledge and figure out how NATO and the AU can further develop the mutual cooperation for the sake of the African continent.

NATO-AU cooperation and the Mil-to-Mil staff talks lay a further brick in the construction of the security network among NATO Allied countries and partners, a fundamental component of the NATO Strategic Concept core task of “Cooperative Security”.

Story by JFC Naples J9 Military Partnership Branch

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