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Sep 15 2022

JFCNP J9 Military Partnership Branch Conducts NATO Evaluation of Tunisian Helicopter Squadron


Bizerte, Tunisia – Representatives from Joint Force Command Naples Military Partnership Branch, Joint Force Command Brunssum and Allied Air Command joined a Tunisian evaluation team to conduct the Self-evaluation Level-1 (SEL-1) of the Tunisian 32° Helicopter Squadron from August 29 to September 06, 2022.

The evaluation is part of the Operational Capabilities Concept Evaluation and Feedback (OCC E&F) Programme, which is a NATO evaluation programme specifically designed to assess the level of interoperability and military capability of partner units against NATO standards.

The 32° Helicopter Squadron is part of the transport support unit category, and is capable of several functions such as conducting air movement and air mobility, aeromedical evacuation, airborne and reconnaissance missions.

The evaluation marked not only the first of a Tunisian Unit, but also the first NATO evaluation ever conducted in an African Country.

The SEL-1 is only the first step out of the four that make up the OCC E&F programme. The evaluation process includes four steps. The unit that successfully passes the last step is awarded “Combat Ready” status, and is recognized as a potential contributor to NATO-led operations.

Story by Luigi Cipri (NATO-CIV), JFC Naples, Military Partnership Branch

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