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Jul 20 2022

JFC Naples Logistic Operational Planning Process (LOPP) Mobile training team - Kuwait

Kuwait - NATO Istambul Cooperation Initiative Regional Centre (NIRC) – Three Allied Joint Force Command (JFC) and one Joint Logistics Support Group (JLSG) Naples members conducted a Mobile Training Team (MTT) to Kuwait from Jun 5 – 9, 2022.

The team introduced 32 staff officers of the Istanbul Cooperation Initiative countries of Kuwait, Bahrain, Qatar, United Arab Emirates and Gulf Cooperation Council countries of Saudi Arabia and Oman to the Logistic Operational Planning Process (LOPP) method used in NATO.

Staff officers with the Istanbul Cooperation Initiative countries of Kuwait, Bahrain, Qatar, United Arab Emirates and Gulf Cooperation Council countries of Saudi Arabia and Oman engage with Joint Forces Command Naples mobile training team members on the NATO logistic operational planning process during a JFCNP MTT in Kuwait. The JFCNP MTT presented the overall NATO Logistic Operational Planning process to the students through lectures and workshops Jun 5 - 9, 2022.

The JFC Naples Mobile Training Team presented the overall NATO Logistic Operational planning process to the participants through lectures and workshops. At the end of the training session, Dr. AlAnoud Ebraheem Al-Sabah (Acting NATO – ICI Regional Centre Manager) and the NATO civilian and military authorities Dr. Nora Elise Beck and Italian Army Col. Filippo Marzio visited the course to issue training certificates to the attendees, showing the level of importance on this logistic Mobile Training Team's visit.

The NIRC attaches great importance to the status and role of NATO in promoting international security and peace, and the MTT further demonstrated NATO's intent to increase cooperation with ICI countries.

Story and photo by Allied Joint Force Command Naples J4

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Allied Joint Force Command Naples
Via Madonna del Pantano
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