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Feb 17 2021

Multinational CIMIC Group creates salon for hairdressers and beauticians in Kosovo

KOSOVO - The Multinational CIMIC Group created a salon for hairdressers and beauticians to attain valuable job skills in Kosovo. The salon offers services to women who are victims of domestic violence or who live in poor conditions. The end goal of this new facility is that it will help the women find job opportunities after their training.

The project was made possible by the collaboration between the Italian Ministry of Defense that purchased the furnishings and equipment to set up the salon, and the Slovenian Ministry of Defense that financed the first course.

The Jeta association, founded in 2005 to promote the rights and improvement of the living conditions of women in Kosovo, has provided support to over 3000 women of all ethnicities or religions who are unemployed or underemployed, offering them training courses to become cooks, hairdressers and seamstresses.

Story by Multinational CIMIC Group

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