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May 12 2021

Joint Force Command Norfolk completes its first-ever battle staff training for Steadfast Defender 2021

Norfolk, Virg.- Joint Force Command Norfolk completes its first-ever battle staff training, as part of NATO’s Steadfast Defender 2021. The training brought together more than 150 people for a command post exercise based on an Article 5 scenario designed to deter aggression and respond to crisis if necessary. JFC Norfolk is NATO’s newest operational-level headquarters based in the United States, whose mission is to secure the strategic lines of communication enabling reinforcement from North America to Europe. Pictured, NATO Senior Mentor, Adm. (Ret.) Mark Ferguson III; (center, left); the Commander of JFC Norfolk, Vice Adm. Andrew Lewis (center, right); and members of the JFC Naples exercise control staff, JFC Norfolk and additional military experts. Steadfast Defender 2021 will take place in the Atlantic Ocean and across Europe from May 3 to June 9, 2021

Story by JFC Naples Public Affairs Office

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