Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina – Subject Matter Experts from JFC Naples J9 CMI-CIMIC conducted a Mobile Training event on Civil-Military Cooperation (CIMIC) in Sarajevo, from 14 to 17 June 2021.
The aim of this course was to provide the training audience with an overview of the various assets, roles, missions, and doctrines related to NATO's provisions on CIMIC and its relevance in their daily duties and activities primarily at the operational. The event constitutes the first training block of the staggered approach in CIMIC training to build the foundation for further deepened CIMIC related training.
To meet the training objectives, several activities and case studies tailored to the context of Bosnia and Herzegovina as well as the broader regional dimension were conducted.
An important focus of the training was given to discussions on NATO Cross-Cutting Topics (CCTs), in particular Protection of Civilians, Children and Armed Conflict and Cultural Property Protection.
Selected dilemmas were proposed to the students to foster their critical thinking on the multi-faceted dimensions of CCTs and allow them to practice skills related to the integration of these topics in the planning and conduct of operations and missions. This was amplified by an introduction on Gender Awareness, provided by the JFC Naples Gender Advisor.
As part of the training, students attended lectures from UN Agencies, Funds and Progranmes based in BiH. Following the lecture, panel discussions with these high-level representatives provided students with the opportunity to ask questions and clarifications about the International Humanitarian Coordination Architecture as well as NATO CCTs.
The MTT was attended by 22 members of the Armed Forces, ranging from tactical to operational level as well as one representative from the Ministry of Security. The training was conducted at the military Army Hall in the center of Sarajevo in the framework of NATO military training partnership with Bosnia and Herzegovina, with a view to contributing to long-term global and regional security by offering interested countries practical bilateral security cooperation with NATO.