The Serge Lazareff Prize was awarded to two JFC Naples personnel, Dr. Anthony M. Quattrone and Colonel Thomas N. Auble in a ceremony on 29 June, 2021 in Lago Patria, Italy. The ceremony was held via teleconference with Mr. Andrés Muñoz Mosquera (VTC screen), SHAPE Director ACO Office of Legal Affairs and was presided over by Lt. Gen. Ignazio Gamba (center), JFC Naples Chief of Staff and Head of the European Union Command Element.
LAGO PATRIA, Italy -- Dr. Anthony M. Quattrone, Joint Force Command Naples (JFC Naples) Civilian Human Resources Head and Colonel Thomas N. Auble, JFC Naples Legal Advisor, were awarded the Serge Lazareff (SL) Prize for having distinguished themselves in the performance of NATO legal activities during a ceremony held on 29 June, 2021 in Lago Patria, Italy.
The NATO Allied Command Operations Office of Legal Affairs hosts the SL Prize for excellence in legal services.
The award recognizes those with outstanding contribution to NATO legal activities, and who are an example for current and future generations in the legal field.
The SL Prize was created in memory of Serge Lazareff, a pivotal lawyer in NATO's history who developed the Alliance's legal status, wrote numerous publications and implemented the NATO Status of Forces Agreement in the early years of the treaty.
Lazareff also worked directly for General Dwight D. Eisenhower at the Allied Forces Centre Headquarters, and was a big proponent that the presence of foreign military forces contributed to peace across Europe.
The ceremony was held via teleconference with Mr. Andrés Muñoz Mosquera, SHAPE Director ACO Office of Legal Affairs and was presided over by Lt. Gen. Ignazio Gamba, JFC Naples Chief of Staff and Head of the European Union Command Element.
"Dr. Quattrone has been a major facilitator to urgent and difficult matters to ensure the successful achievement of complex legal works and the protection of NATO status, particularly in matters related to civilian personnel deployed in Alliance operations. Without his commitment and understanding, deadlines would have not been attained and the position of the Organization would have been put at risk," the award read for Dr. Quattrone.
Colonel Auble's award said he "has been a major facilitator to urgent and complex legal matters affecting SHAPE and its Command which have ensured the successful achievement of the North Atlantic Council's mandates to SACEUR".