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Mar 8 2021

JFC Naples J9 Military Partnership Branch meets Bosnia and Herzegovina Armed Forces Delegation

Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina Joint Force Command Naples (JFCNP) J9 Military Partnership Branch (MPB) had the distinct pleasure to meet a Bosnia and Herzegovina Armed Forces delegation for an Advisory Visit on 16-18 February 2021.

A team from JFC Naples J9 MPB, which also included a representative from the Land Command Izmir G9, conducted an Advisory Visit (AV) to discuss all preparatory activities for the upcoming Self-Evaluation Level 2 (SEL-2) of the Bosnia and Herzegovina Light Infantry Battalion Group (INF-L-BNG). The AV is an event aimed at clarifying Operational Capabilities Concept Evaluation and Feedback (OCC E&F) methodology to a partner and to assist and coordinate with its national evaluation team preparations to an evaluation event.

The OCC E&F programme is the NATO evaluation programme designed to assess the level of interoperability and military capability of partner units in the NATO Pool of Forces (PoF) and supports partner efforts to develop forces that are fully capable of operating with NATO standards and procedures. Upon successful completion of all steps, the evaluated unit is officially recognized “Combat Ready” and potential contributor to NATO-led operations.

The objectives of the meeting were achieved. The NATO team, led by the French Army Colonel François MARECHAL, was very well received by the BIH delegation, led by the Army Colonel Josip BRAJKOVIC, Head of the J3/7 of the BIH Joint Staff. Colonel BRAJKOVIC, on behalf of the BIH Joint Staff, expressed his gratitude to the NATO representatives for all support provided. He also reiterated the commitment of the Armed Forces of the Bosnia and Herzegovina to continue activities under the aforementioned programme. Colonel François MARECHAL highlighted that Bosnia and Herzegovina has been a very proactive NATO partner for almost fifteen years and this Light Infantry Battalion Group is the aggregation of several BIH military units that have already been certified in the past, and that he is very confident about the successful result of the upcoming SEL-2.

Also, Colonel François MARECHAL met with Major General Ivica JERKIC, deputy CHOD for operations, and conveyed sincere greetings from JFCNP HQ Commander, Admiral Robert P. BURKE, and Command group and informed Major General JERKIC that the AV objectives were achieved. Also, stressed commitment of the Joint Force Command Naples along with other NATO HQs to continue to provide support to Bosnia and Herzegovina in further development of the Light Infantry Battalion Group interoperability and capability in the years to follow. Major General JERKIC thanked to the JFCNP HQ for its constant support. In addition, he informed Colonel MARECHAL that the upcoming “Immediate Response 21”, a USA-BIH bilateral exercise, will offer to the declared unit a unique opportunity to enhance its training and preparation for the SEL 2.

The Bosnia and Herzegovina Armed Forces delegation, led by Colonel Josip Brajkovic, and the NATO Team, led by Colonel François Marechal, discuss preparatory activities for the Operational Capabilities Concept Evaluation and Feedback (OCC E&F) programme during a meeting in Sarajevo, on 16-18 February 2021. The OCC E&F programme is the NATO evaluation programme designed to assess the level of interoperability and military capability of partner units in the NATO Pool of Forces (PoF) and supports partner efforts to develop forces that are fully capable of operating with NATO standards and procedures.

Story by Italian Air Force Lieutenant Colonel Luigi CIPRI, JFC Naples Military Partnership Branch

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