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Jun 21 2021

JFC Naples Influence Branch Mobile Training Team conducts Information Operations training in Bosnia and Herzegovina

Mobile Training Teams from JFC Naples are making a significant contribution towards the training of BiH Armed Forces Personnel and their familiarisation with NATO policy and doctrine, working towards enhancing interoperability with NATO.

Following a successful Mobile Training event on Civil-Military Cooperation in Sarajevo earlier this month, Subject Matter Experts from the JFC Naples Influence Branch provided training on Information Operations, from 21 to 25 June 2021.

The aim of the training was to familiarise the participants with the NATO policy, doctrine and concepts of NATO Information Operations and how it is supported by military functions.

The training comprised of interactive lectures designed to familiarize the participants with the subject matter, followed by moderated Q&A sessions.

Subject Matter Experts from the JFC Naples Influence Branch provided training on Information Operations, from 21 to 25 June 2021, in Bosnia Herzigovina.

The team covered diverse tooics including: Introduction to InfoOps and the associated capabilities and techniques, Civilian-Military Cooperation, Public Affairs, Strategic Communication, Psychological Operations, Key Leader Engagement, NATO Planning Process, and finally Information Environment Assessment.

In the culminating event, participants were given a scenario in which they identified info ops deficiencies, opportunities and requirements in accordance with the current doctrine, and produced the info ops planning contribution, in line with the NATO Comprehensive Operational Planning Directive.

The Mobile Training Team was deeply impressed by the interest shown by all participants and their ability to process the scenario's complex tasks.

The team was also able to take advantage of the close proximity to NATO HQ Sarajevo, and was able to offer key personnel familiarization of Social Media Analysis tools and the basics of Information Environment Analysis.

Story by JFC Naples Public Affairs Office

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Allied Joint Force Command Naples
Via Madonna del Pantano
80014 Lago Patria
Giugliano in Campania, Naples, Italy

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