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Jun 23 2021

multinational J3 Operations Specialists  from JFC Naples leads Counter Improvised Explosive Devices course

A multinational J3 Operations Specialists Branch (OSB) team from Allied Joint Force Command Naples led a Counter Improvised Explosive Devices (C-IED) Mobile Training Team (MTT) course in Nouakchott, Mauritania from 21-23 June 2021.

Organized in close cooperation with Mauritanian Armed Forces the program was focused on the IED threat worldwide and C-IED doctrine within NATO. As well as IED and C-IED awareness briefings during the three days, a practical exercise focused on Operational level – Attack the Network pillar of the C-IED doctrine (AtN) was conducted and the group discussed Technical, Tactical Procedures (TTPs). Open and frank discussions allowed a sharing of experiences and relevant exchanges between all participants and NATO's experts.

The CIED MTT training package is designed to cover topics from tactical to operational levels, and is focused on the Attack the Network (AtN) pillar of CIED doctrine

said Major Nicolas Licheron MTT leader.

A multinational J3 Operations Specialists Branch (OSB) team from Allied Joint Force Command Naples led a Counter Improvised Explosive Devices (C-IED) Mobile Training Team (MTT) course in Nouakchott, Mauritania from 21-23 June 2021.

Mauritanian Armed Forces attendees and senior staff from Mauritanian Army Headquarter were particularly interested in the NATO C-IED approach and doctrine. In particular they were interesting in developing their military capabilities for infantry battalions engaged in UN operations (Central African Republic) as well as G5 Sahel operations as a pre-deployment training.

"This important aspect of the IED threat and the C-IED education and sharing of experience is the goal of MTTs such as this with our partners and is a welcome challenge for our JFCNP team," said Maj Licheron.

The MTT constitutes an effective and reliable activity to supporting Mauritania, both in military dialogue and consultation, in its development of military capabilities.

Story by French Army Major Nicolas LICHERON, JFC Naples J3-OSB C-IED Exploitation & Targeting

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Allied Joint Force Command Naples
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80014 Lago Patria
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