KFOR, Pristina, Kosovo – The Kosovo Force (KFOR) – Joint Effects Cell
(JEC) invited an Information Operations Training Team from Joint Force
Command Naples to familiarise them with the latest principles of
Information Operations at a tactical level and the relationship with
functions and capabilities.
Unfortunately the COVID-19 pandemic overtook events preventing the
Team travelling to Kosovo. However, using ingenuity the training was
over three days in May 2020 using the existing NATO VTC facilities. The
course was attended by four KFOR NATO Staff Officers: OF 3 GRECU
TECARU Ionut - Info Ops Plans-ROU Army, and OF 2- MIHAI Ciprian –
TAD-ROU Army who received the training at KFOR.
Training delivery was carried out from Lago Patria, Naples by JFCNP
Matter Experts including: OF 4 GREEN Alistair – Info Ops-GBR Royal Air
Force, OF 2 SYRIMIS Emile - CIMIC-GBR Royal Air Force, OF 2 COLES
Martin – Info Ops GBR Royal Air Force, OF 3 PAZCOGUIN Joseph – Info
US Army, OF 4 PAPA Dritor Section Head Info Ops-ALB Army, OF 3
Gregori - Engagement Cell-ESP Army, and OF 4 WOLFF, Gunnar –
Affairs-DEU Navy, and OF 3 CIRCUI, Vasile – PsyOps ROU Army.
The topics covered were numerous and diverse including: Civilian-Military Cooperation, Public Affairs, Strategic Communication, Psychological Operations, Key Leader Engagement, NATO Planning, Social Media and Assessment software tool, and finally Information Operations.
The KFOR JEC team were deeply impressed by the quality of the
delivered as well as the range and depth of subjects taught using VTC
The Kosovo Force (KFOR) is a NATO-led international peace-keeping
Kosovo established in 1999. KFOR focuses on building a secure
and guaranteeing the freedom of movement through all Kosovo
citizens, irrespective of their ethnic origins, in accordance with UN
Council Resolution 1244.