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Jan 30 2020

JFC Naples J9 CMI/CIMIC Mobile Training Team (MTT) conducts “Civil-Military Cooperation in Emergency Preparedness and Response” training in MAURITANIA

Story by JFC Naples J9

Nouakchott (MRT) – Subject Matter Experts from JFC Naples J9 conducted a Mobile Training event on Civil-Military Cooperation in Emergency Preparedness and Response in Mauritania, from 27 to 30 January 2020.

A total of 21 officers from the Mauritania Armed Forces attended the MTT which was conducted at the École Supérieure Polytechnique de Nouakchott (MRT).

The aim of this course was to enhance participants’ understanding of NATO’s role in Civil-Military Cooperation during Emergency Preparedness and Response (EPR). Furthermore, the training provided the opportunity for a wide range of actors to share their perspectives on the subject, thus contributing to the creation of a common framework based on inter-operability and effectiveness of civil and military resources, assets and capabilities.

Furthermore, the training provided the opportunity for participants to understand that within contemporary operating environments a successful resolution to crisis will depend on cooperation and coordination with key actors from the international community. To achieve this objective, the MTT outlined how to establish networks and create mutual understanding between organizations to foster cooperation during a crisis disaster response.

The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugee (UNHCR) in Geneva appointed Ms. Kenza JAMOUNI, from the UNHCR office in Mauritania, invited by JFCNP, to deliver a briefing about the refugees’ situation in Mauritania as well as the coordination mechanism that will be activated in the event of crisis.

This JFC Naples MTT activity directly supported MAURITANIA/NATO shared military partnership areas of cooperation under the framework of the Mediterranean Dialogue (MED).

 Subject Matter Experts from JFC Naples J9 and officers from the Mauritania Armed Forces  during a Mobile Training event on Civil-Military Cooperation in Emergency Preparedness and Response in Mauritania, from 27 to 30 January 2020.

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