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Dec 4 2019

J-9 Chief Visits Serbian Ministry of Defence

Article Courtesy JFC NAPLES CIMIC 

BELGRADE, Serbia - Brigadier General Reinhard Kloss, assistant chief of staff for civil-military interaction and cooperation and military partnership (ACOS J9), visited the Ministry of Defence of the Republic of Serbia to conduct an expert staff meeting with Serbian officers of the Defence Policy Sector.

The expert staff meeting is a partnership activity during which the participants analyse cooperation in the current year and agree on activities for the next year. The talks are held once a year, in Belgrade and Naples alternately.

During the discussions, Brigadier General Reinhard Kloss and Colonel Miroslav Glišić highlighted the importance of cooperation between Joint Force Command Naples and the Serbian Armed Forces. Colonel Miroslav Glišić expressed gratitude for the support provided by Joint Force Command Naples to the Serbian Armed Forces in terms of training and military education. Brigadier General Kloss emphasized that the cooperation between the two parties within the framework of the Partnership for Peace programme is very successful and that NATO fully respects the commitment and sovereign decisions of the Republic of Serbia that is appreciated as a reliable and predictable partner, who wants to stay neutral.

Brigadier General Reinhard Kloss was also received by acting assistant minister of defence policy, Milan Ranković, who emphasized the mutual benefits of the JFCNP-Serbia cooperation. Mr. Ranković mentioned that Serbia is committed to regional and global security, that it is militarily neutral, and that the capabilities achieved by the Serbian Armed Forces through its participation in various Partnership for Peace programme mechanisms have been beneficial for its engagement in multinational operations around the world.

BELGRADE, Serbia - Civil-military interaction and cooperation and military partnership visited the Ministry of Defence of the Republic of Serbia to conduct an expert staff meeting with Serbian officers of the Defence Policy Sector on December 4th. (Photo Courtesy JFC NAPLES CIMIC)

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