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Oct 28 2019

Turkish Military Visits JFC Naples

Story by Turkish Navy Lt. Cdr. Mustafa Bayrak, Deputy Chief of Staff Support

LAGO PATRIA – Italy – Fifteen Turkish Armed Forces (TAF) personnel visited JFC Naples as part of their training programme on October 28. TAF conducts field studies twice a year and JFC Naples hosted the year’s first visit in June.

The training expands theoretical knowledge on NATO topics through field studies by obtaining practical experience, as NATO command structure organizations provide an opportunity to interact with those who hold expertise and knowledge.

Trainees improve their knowledge by exploring historical sites and increase their taste in art while raising cultural awareness by visiting museums and landmarks.

The delegation included officers, non-commissioned officers, and specialist sergeants.

Deputy Chief of Staff Turkish Rear Admiral Yavuz Kilic addressed the visitors and the personnel enjoyed the briefing on the function and tasks of the command and the headquarter’s recent history. Briefers informed them on core tasks, collective defense, crisis management, cooperative security, challenges from the south, and the NSD-S Hub.

TAF personnel broadened the knowledge on NATO and the staff exposed them to their opinions and the complexity of working at JFC Naples and the cooperation of NATO.

The next visit will be in the spring of next year.

LAGO PATRIA – Italy – Fifteen Turkish Armed Forces (TAF) personnel visited JFC Naples as part of their training programme on October 28. TAF conducts field studies twice a year and JFC Naples hosted the year’s first visit in June. (Photo by German AF Master Sgt. Florian Fergen, JFC Naples Public Affairs)

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Allied Joint Force Command Naples
Via Madonna del Pantano
80014 Lago Patria
Giugliano in Campania, Naples, Italy

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