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Tunisian Armed Forces: Partnership Branch shapes 2019-2020 training

Tunisian Armed Forces: Partnership Branch shapes 2019-2020 training

TUNIS, Tunisia - A NATO delegation met with representatives of all the Tunisian Armed Forces (TAF) services in the Armed Forces Headquarters. Known as an Expert Staff Meeting (ESM), the meeting was one of two held annually between Joint Force Command Naples Partnership Branch and the Tunisians and has, as its overall aim, the role of correcting and adjusting  ongoing education, training, exercises and education (ETEE) and continuing the process of planning ETEE for next year.

The NATO delegation was led by Colonel Franck Faubladier of the J9 MILCOOP Branch and included representatives from the International Staff Defence Planning and Policy and the International Military Staff from Brussels as well as the Chief of Military Cooperation from LANDCOM, Izmir.

According to Faubladier the J9 Desk Officer from JFCNP attended the 2019 Planning and Review Process (PARP) Assessment with TAF the week prior and was thus able to bring the results of that meeting directly to the ESM.

"The ESM as conducted by our team is the perfect complement to the Brussels-led PARP and the Defence Capacity Building Initiative as we are able to discuss adjusting the training accordingly to the very latest developments. In this case we were able to have very detailed discussion about training and educating some of the units which the Tunisians want to become fully interoperable with NATO Forces.”

Tunisia joined the Mediterranean Dialogue partnership framework in 1995 and is a key NATO partner. The ETEE portion of Military Cooperation is directly managed through J9 MPB.

Story by JFC Naples Public Affairs Office

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