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Oct 22 2019

Torquato Tasso High School Visits JFC Naples

Story by American Army Sgt. 1st Class (OR-7) Michael O'Brien, JFC Naples Public Affairs

NAPLES, Italy –Almost 100 students and four teachers from Torquato Tasso High School of Salerno in the Campania region toured Allied Joint Force Command Naples and learned about NATO on October 22.

Students and teachers visited the modern complex where JFC Naples has stood since 2012.

“It was a fruitful visit because I’m keen on studying political and strategical subjects and I learned a lot about NATO and JFC Naples and I was impressed by the lectures, how NATO has reduced destabilization all over the world through the peacekeeping operations.,” said 17-year-old Giampiero. “For instance, the mission in the Balkans which started in the ‘90s represented a clear example of how NATO facilitated the peaceful process of stabilization and reconstruction in that region.”

After the JFC Naples staff welcomed them, the students attended a general briefing on the current functions and operational tasks of the command including the recent history of the Headquarters.

“We watched a video and listened to many presentations and all were very interesting, especially the one about cyber-attacks,” said 17-year-old Antonino. “My favorite part of the day was the futuristic conference room where the thought-provoking briefings took place.”

Students received an overview on current topics, such as NATO general structure, the Joint Operations Center activities, and the role of the NATO International Civilians and the importance of the relationship between NATO and the partner nations.

“I liked today because I’ve never been to a military facility,” said 18-year-old Alessandra.” “The part in which we talked about the job opportunities and careers was the best for me and every student that gets the opportunity should do this because it’s fun.”

The participants also met the JFC Naples Chief of Staff,Italian Army Lieutenant General Antonio Vittiglio, who addressed them in his closing remarks.

A questions and answers session concluded the event.

The school visit is part of JFC Naples Community relations activities organized by Public Affairs Office with the specific role to emphasize and reinforce relationship between JFC Naples and local community.

NAPLES, Italy –Almost 100 students and four teachers from Torquato Tasso High School of Salerno in the Campania region toured Allied Joint Force Command Naples and learned about NATO on October 22. (Photo by German AF Master Sgt. (OR-7) Florian Fergen, JFC Naples Public Affairs)


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Allied Joint Force Command Naples
Via Madonna del Pantano
80014 Lago Patria
Giugliano in Campania, Naples, Italy

Media Operations

Public Affairs Office
Attn: Media Section
80014 Lago Patria
Naples, ITALY