Story by German Army Lieutenant Colonel Thomas Franz, Military Partnership Branch
QATAR - A JFCNP cross-functional Asymmetric Warfare (AW) MTT was invited by the Qatar (QAT) Armed Forces to inform them about NATO AW principles.
The training took place at the Officer Training Institute from the 19th to the 21st of November.
The JFCNP team consisted of 4 officers coming from OSO, J3 E&I, J3 CIED and J9. The QAF sent participants from various branches of their Security Forces.
Due to the cross-functional nature of the topic several dimensions of the NATO full spectrum COIN approach were discussed, such as Understanding Insurgency and the Human Domain, STRATCOM & InfoOPs, Comprehensive Approach, CIED, Intelligence Preparation of the Environment, and the use of Special Forces.
The students were highly interested in the subject and throughout the training many discussions and friendships developed.
QAT is an active partner country and becomes more and more important as a NATO partner.
Due to the intense cooperation links with NATO, QAT Armed Forces are one of NATO’s most trustworthy and reliable partners in the region.