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Sep 26 2019

Representatives of the Consular Corps of Naples Visit JFC

Story by JFC Naples Public Affairs

LAGO PATRIA, Italy - Representatives of the Consular Corps of Naples, Italy visited the modern JFC Naples headquarters complex on September 26, 2019.

American Navy Admiral James Foggo briefed the group on the unit’s goals, missions, and activities as part of the community relations programme to strengthen the relationship with the community.

“Events like these are an opportunity to strengthen the relationship between the command and leaders of Napoli,” said Foggo. “It allows me to better understand any concerns you may have, while providing an opportunity for you to better understand what we do here each and every day.”

Italian Army Brigadier General Ignacio Lax gave the group a tour of the NATO’s Southern Hub, which monitors and assesses the dynamics of NATO’s operating environment by being a forum for engagement and information sharing.

“Things are busy here at JFC – I’m glad we have the opportunity to talk more about what we do here and also for the NATO Alliance,” said Foggo.

LAGO PATRIA, Italy - Representatives of the Consular Corps of Naples, Italy pose with American Navy Admiral James Foggo (center) at the modern JFC Naples headquarters complex on September 26, 2019. Foggo talked to the group about the unit’s goals, missions, and activities as part of the community relations programme to strengthen the relationship with the community. (Photo by German Air Force Master Sgt. Florian Fergen, JFC Naples Public Affairs.)

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Allied Joint Force Command Naples
Via Madonna del Pantano
80014 Lago Patria
Giugliano in Campania, Naples, Italy

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80014 Lago Patria
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