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Local Middle Schools Visit JFC Naples

Students and teachers from “R. Viviani” and “V.De Amicis” located in Naples and Caserta respectively,  got a taste of NATO life during a May 13,  2019,  visit to Allied Joint Force Command Naples. (Photo by German Air Force Master Sgt. Florian Fergen)

Story by Diana Sodano, JFC Naples Public Affairs

NAPLES, Italy – Students and teachers from "R. Viviani” and "V. De Amicis” Middle Schools, located in Naples and Caserta respectively, got a taste of NATO life during a May 13, 2019 visit to Allied Joint Force Command Naples.

Event organizers said the visit of the approximately 100 students and faculty to JFC Naples is an example of NATO’s efforts to establish positive cultural and social exchanges with the external community and to strengthen the relationship with local and regional institutions.

"This is my first visit at JFC Naples.  This is a very positive experience; I learned a lot about the current functions and missions of NATO particularly the role of NATO in the cyber security domain contributing to increase security also in this sector,” said 13 year old Anna Nargiso. "I love military career and I would like to join the Armed Forces after my studies”.

After being welcomed by JFC Naples Staff, the students attended a general briefing on the current functions and operational tasks of the command including also the recent history of the Headquarters."I was really surprised by the functionality and the organization of JFC Naples,” said 13 year old Valerio Simone. Also, the staff was very kind and the presentation shown in the conference room showed me how NATO soldiers works and contribute to the peacekeeping all over the world. 

Moreover, students were able to get an overview on current topics, such as NATO general structure, the Joint Operations Center activities, the role of the NATO International Civilians and the importance of the Cyber Security.

"I was really keen to see Joint Force Command once in my life. I was really astonished by such modern and futuristic base,” 13 year old Giorgio Ceverini.  "Today, I’m very happy to seat here in this conference room and I would say that the structure it’s very modern and impressive”

A round table discussion with the briefers and a questions and answers session concluded the event.

The participants could also spend a tour to the Community Center and see the Morale Welfare Activities facilities in support of the JFC Naples community.

Students were very happy to visit for the first time the NATO building located in Lago Patria.

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Allied Joint Force Command Naples
Via Madonna del Pantano
80014 Lago Patria
Giugliano in Campania, Naples, Italy

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Attn: Media Section
80014 Lago Patria
Naples, ITALY