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May 21 2019

Local High Schools Visit JFC Naples

Story by Diana Sodano, JFC Naples Public Affairs

NAPLES, Italy - More than 80 students from "Guglielmo Marconi”, Giugliano in Campania, Naples and "Don Geremia Piscopo”, Arzano, Naples High Schools toured Allied Joint Force Command Naples learning about NATO on May 20, 2019.

Students and teachers visited for the first time the modern building where JFC Naples has stood since 2012.

"This is my first visit at JFC Naples and it was a positive experience,” said 18-year-old Martina Costabile. "I learned a lot about the current functions and missions of NATO particularly during General Portolano’s briefing.”

After the JFC Naples staff welcomed them, the students attended a general briefing on the current functions and operational tasks of the command including also the recent history of the Headquarters.

"I was surprised by the functionality and the organization of JFC Naples and I was impressed how all JFC Naples staff work in synchronization speaking English,” said 19-year-old Mario Manzi. "Although they speak a different native language and they have different culture and traditions, they look very professional and it seems that there is no barrier among them”

Students were able to get an overview on current topics, such as NATO general structure, the Joint Operations Center activities, and the role of the NATO International Civilians and the importance of the Cyber Security.

"After secondary school, my dream is to become a firefighter and I love jobs and career which can have a great impact on the social welfare and security,” said 18-year-old Giuseppe Russo. "I was really keen to see Joint Force Command once in my life. The futuristic base astonished me."

The participants also met the JFC Naples Chief of Staff, Lieutenant General Luciano Portolano, who addressed them in his welcome remarks.

"I love military careers and I would like to join the Armed Forces after my studies," said 18-year-old Filippo Solla. "Today, I’m very happy to sit here in this conference room and I would say that the structure it’s very modern and impressive”.

A questions and answers session concluded the event.

The participants could also spend a tour to the Community Center and see the Morale Welfare Activities facilities in support of the JFC Naples community.
Students were very happy to visit for the first time the NATO building located in Lago Patria.

The school visit is part of JFC Naples Community relations activities organized by Public Affairs Office with the specific role to emphasize and reinforce relationship between JFC Naples and local community.

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Allied Joint Force Command Naples
Via Madonna del Pantano
80014 Lago Patria
Giugliano in Campania, Naples, Italy

Media Operations

Public Affairs Office
Attn: Media Section
80014 Lago Patria
Naples, ITALY

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