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Nov 13 2019

Giulio Cesare Falco High School Visits JFC Naples

Story by Diano Sodano, JFC Naples Public Affairs

LAGO PATRIA, Italy- More than 80 students from Giulio Cesare Falco High School located in Capua, Caserta visited JFC Naples November 13.

Students and teachers visited for the first time the modern building where JFC Naples has been based since 2012.

After a JFC Naples staff welcome, the students attended a general briefing on the current functions and operational tasks of the command including also the recent history of the Headquarters.

Moreover, students were able to get an overview on current topics, such as NATO general structure, the Joint Operations Center activities, the role of the NATO International Civilians and the importance of the Cyber Security.

The participants also met the JFC Naples Chief of Staff, Lieutenant General Antonio Vittiglio, Italian Army, who addressed them in his closing remarks.

A questions and answers session with the briefers and the Chief of Staff concluded the event.

Students were very happy to visit for the first time the NATO building located in Lago Patria.

"I’m very happy to be here today because it is evident how open and transparent both military and civilian personnel are” said Marco D’Amico, 5thyear student. "And I understood very well what are NATO’s real goals and challenges.”

“This visit has been for me very informative and positive” said Matteo Casertano, 5th year student “I learnt a lot about NATO activities and missions, and I understood that there is a lot of misinformation around. I have been also impressed by the technological and beauty compound of the new headquarters.”

LAGO PATRIA, Italy- More than 80 students from Giulio Cesare Falco High School located in Capua, Caserta visited JFC Naples November 13. (Photo by German Air Force Master Sgt. Florian Fergen, JFC Naples Public Affairs)

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Allied Joint Force Command Naples
Via Madonna del Pantano
80014 Lago Patria
Giugliano in Campania, Naples, Italy

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