Story by JFC Naples J-9
CHISINAU, Moldova - The Moldovan Security Forces invited a cross-functional Counter Insurgency Mobile Training Team from Joint Forces Command Naples to inform them about NATO COIN principles.
The training took place at the Moldovan Main Staff HQ in Chisinau from the 27th to 31st of May.
The JFCNP team consisted of seven officers coming from J9 MPB and CIMIC, J2, J3 E&I, J3 CIED, and OSO.
The Moldovan Security Forces sent 20 participants from the National Army, the Border Police, the Carabineer Troops, the Anti-Terrorism Police, the Intelligence Service, and the VIP Close Protection Service.
Due to the cross-functional nature of the COIN training several dimensions of the NATO full spectrum COIN approach were discussed, such as Understanding Insurgency and the Human Domain, STRATCOM & Information Operations, Psychological
Messaging, Comprehensive Approach, CIMIC, CIED, Intelligence Preparation of the Environment and Targeting.
The Moldovan students were highly interested and engaged vividly in discussions.
Moldova becomes more and more important as NATO partner by being an operational partner of KFOR (more than 40 soldiers) and discussions underway of Moldova sending SOF instructors to RSM.
Moldova is one of the active partner countries and proved to be a reliable and trustworthy partner in the past.