Motta di Livenza - Oderz - JFCNP J9 CMI/CIMIC takes part in DOUBLE RIVER 2019 organised by the Multinational CIMIC Group (MNCG)
The Multinational CIMIC Group, a combined and joint unit designed to conduct Civil Military Cooperation (CIMIC), has conducted exercise "Double River” (DORR 19) at "Mario Fiore” Barracks in Motta di Livenza - Oderzo, from 18 to 22 March 2019.
"Double River 2019" is the major military exercise carried out by the Multinational CIMIC Group in 2019, combining units, specialists, experts and mentors from different countries and NATO International Commands.
The purpose of the exercise was to test readiness and interoperability of the Multinational Command and
assigned Italian, Portuguese and Hungarian CIMIC Units employed in support of NATO. Through a Command
Post Exercise (CPX), a complex scenario focused on a crisis situation among fictitious states.
In addition to computer simulation, the exercise included activities in the field (LIVEX) where CIMIC units interacted with civilian counterparts represented by Governmental, Non-Governmental Organisations and local authorities.
JFCNP J9 CMI/CIMIC supported DORR 19 as part of the Remote CIMIC Support unit with one Subject Matter Expert, Ms. Viviana De Annuntiis, J9 Liaison &Knowledge Development Manager, together with a team of Functional Specialist from different countries and NATO entities. The Remote CIMIC Support is the ability to remotely support the CIMIC units, deployed in military operations. On the 20th March, JFCNP DCOS Plans and J9 CMI-CIMIC Branch Head attended the Distinguished Visitors and Media Day. The Italian Minister of Defence Elisabetta Trenta was the highest authority attending the DVD event
Multinational CIMIC Group is a Combined /Joint Regiment, established in Italy in 2002 (originally named CIMIC Group South). Italy is the framework nation and other contributing nations include Greece, Hungary, Portugal, Romania and Slovenia with personnel from all Services. CIMIC operators from Multinational CIMIC Group are currently deployed to International Operations in Kosovo, Afghanistan, Lebanon, Somalia, Djibouti, the Mediterranean Sea (Operation "Sophia”) and in the framework of domestic homeland security Operation "Strade Sicure”.
Story by JFC Naples Public Affairs Office