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Oct 18 2019

JFC Naples Teaches Mauritanian Security Forces Asymmetric Warfare Principles

Story by French Army Lt. Col Etienne de Tanouarn, Military Partnership Branch

NOUAKCHOTT, Mauritania - A JFCNP Asymmetric Warfare (AW) Mobile Training Team (MTT) deployed to Mauritania to help develop the Mauritanian Armed Forces (MRT AF) understanding of NATO AW principles at the Nouakchott Armed Forces Polytechnic University from October 14 to 18. 

The cross-functional JFCNP team consisted of four officers from OSO, J3 E&I, JEng and J9. 

MRT sent 21 participants from branches of their Armed Forces, the Joint Headquarters and the National Guard. 

Due to the cross-functional nature of the course several dimensions of NATO’s full spectrum Counter Insurgency (COIN) approach were discussed; such as Understanding Insurgency and the Human Domain; STRATCOM & InfoOPS; Comprehensive Approach; CIED; Intelligence Preparation of the Environment; and the employment of Special Forces.

The students were highly motivated and demonstrated significant interest in all subject matter, resulting in many useful discussions, and developing mutual friendships between both students and members of the MTT.

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