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JFC Naples Strengthens Bonds with African Union

NATO and African Union officials meet to discuss enhancing their relationship in Addis Ababa,  Ethiopia,  April 2. (Photo by FRA-N Maitre Sebastian Laurent,  JFC Naples Public Affairs)

ADDIS ABABA, Ethiopia– The Commander of Allied Joint Forces Command Admiral James Foggo visited the African Union on April 2, 2019, where he met with the acting Deputy Chairman Professor Sarah Anyang Agbor  and her staff.

Anyang Agbor  welcomed NATO’s efforts to enhance the relationship between NATO and the African Union and expressed her positive expectations for NATO as an active partner.

"We, NATO, are here to support and we aren’t asking for anything in return except your friendship,” said Foggo. "What we need is a strategic partnership. This will open doors and will open our eyes.”

In a round table with representatives of the Peace Support Operations Department, led by Ambassador Fred Gateretse, the participants discussed support and cooperation.

The two entities have taken the first promising steps for cooperation and agreed that the time has come where the partnership needs even more tangible results for a solid foundation.

The NATO/AU military-to-military staff talks next month in Addis Ababa will present another forum to develop cooperation.

NATO established the NATO support to African Union (NS2AU) in 2005.

It consists of six NATO staff officers who work with the AU Peace Support Operations Department as military liaison officers that coordinate and facilitate NATO support such as mobile military training teams and training courses.

Story by JFC Naples Public Affairs Office

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Allied Joint Force Command Naples
Via Madonna del Pantano
80014 Lago Patria
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