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Jun 28 2019

JFC Naples mobile training team provided comprehensive operational planning training to the African union

Story by JFC Naples J5

Tunis City, Tunisia – Within the program of NATO Partnership Events with the African Union, a team of three JFCNP members, led by LCDR Fatmir Likskendaj, conducted a Mobile Training Team (MTT) course on the NATO Comprehensive Operational Planning Process in Tunisia from 17 – 21 JUN 2019.

The course was conducted at the El Mouradi Hotel in Tunis City with 21 Officers from the North Africa Regional Capability (NARC) HQ planning Element in attendance (11 from Libya and 10 from Algeria). The event had the objective of acquainting the African Standby Force Regional headquartes with the NATO Crisis Response Planning (CRP) process and was the last of three MTTs requested for this year by the AU.

The aim of the course was to introduce participants to the NATO Operational Planning Process and, to some extent, the Comprehensive Operational Planning Directive. During the five-day course the participants were trained on the different levels of planning within NATO, focussing at the operational level.

At the end of the course, a ceremony was held and certificates presented to all the participants. During their closing remarks, the NARC representative and AU Liason Officers in Tunis expressed their gratitude to JFCNP and the MTT members for their committed assistance in providing the course. The MTT Leader, during his speech, emphasized the value of military partnership between NATO and the AU (and NARC), and highlighted the MTT initiative as a substantial milestone in this relationship, paving the way for future collaboration between the respective organisations.

The JFC Naples' MTT activity conducted in partnership with the AU marks a tangible and inspiring step in NATO’s growing relationship with the AU and engagement in the African region, with practical cooperation and shared expertise increasing dialogue and strengthening regional security cooperation.




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