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Jul 12 2019

JFC Naples Military Cooperation Branch has Busy Month

Story by JFC Naples J-9 

RABAT, KENTITRA, Morocco - In support of the Military Cooperation agreement signed between the 29 NATO nations and Morocco three staff-MTTs were conducted in Rabat and Kenitra in a two-week period in June. 

Moroccan staff officers were educated on NATO Information Operations, Intelligence and C-IED.

One of the MTTs held in Rabat was reported on by the primary national television channel, la Oula

The reporter underlined the strong and fruitful commitment of NATO to the Royal Armed Forces of Morocco.

These MTTs, just the latest chapters in the NATO/Moroccan partnership, are the end result of close cooperation between the divisions of JFCNP, the Single service Commands and the NATO School Oberammergau.

Morocco joined the Mediterranean Dialogue Partnership framework in February 1995.

Other countries in the framework include Algeria, Egypt, Israel, Jordan, Mauritania, and Tunisia

Flag of Morroco

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