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Jun 19 2019

JFC Naples J9 Trains on Civil-Military Cooperation

Story by JFC Naples J-9

NOUAKCHOTT, Mauritania – JFC Naples J-9 Branch trained on Civil-Military Cooperation (CIMIC) 10 to 13 June.  

23 officers from all services of the Mauritania Armed Forces, National Guard and Gendarmerie, attended the Mobile Training Team event at the École Supérieure Polytechnique in Nouakchott.

The aim of this course was to enhance participants’ understanding of assets, roles, missions, and doctrines related to NATO’s provisions on Civil-Military Cooperation Interaction / Civil-Military Cooperation (CMI/CIMIC) and its relevance in duties and activities at the operational level.

The training provided the opportunity for participants to understand that within contemporary operating environments a successful resolution to crisis will depend on cooperation and coordination with key actors from the international community.

The MTT outlined how to establish networks and create mutual understanding between organizations to foster cooperation during a mission or operation.

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