KUWAIT – Subject matter experts from JFC Naples J9 conducted a Mobile Training event on Civil-Military Interaction/Civil-Military Cooperation (CMI/CIMIC), in Kuwait, from 25 to 28 March 2019.
The training continued to build on the learning outcomes achieved during the foundational CMI/CIMIC training conducted by JFC Naples J9 in February 2019.
To ensure continuity of learning the target audience at the NATO ICI Regional Centre was the same as CIMIC I, with a total of 22 officers from the Kuwait Armed Forces, as well as selected civilian representatives from the Ministry of Interior (Civil Defence), Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Ministry of Defence attended the MTT.
Representatives from other Armed Forces from the Region (Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, Oman and Qatar) also joined this training event which was conducted at the NATO ICI Regional Centre.
The aim of this course was to enhance participants’ understanding of the role of CMI/CIMIC during NATO’s planning process. In particular, the course content focused on explaining and practicing the role of CMI/CIMIC planners within NATO’s Operations Planning Process based on the Comprehensive Operations Planning Directive (COPD) and the CIMIC Functional Planning Guide.
Furthermore, one of the key learning objectives was to discuss CIMIC roles and responsibilities, explaining the contribution of CMI/CIMIC planners to other relevant staff functions.
Taking into consideration best practices identified in building a learning continuum across MTTs, the NATO ICI Regional Centre is planning to continue to invest in the partnership with the JFC Naples J9 CMI/CIMIC team, by supporting the best performing MTT students in Training of Trainers programmes.
This JFC Naples MTT activity directly supported KUWAIT/NATO shared military partnership areas of cooperation under the framework of the Istanbul Cooperation Initiative (ICI).