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JFC Naples J9 Mobile Team Trains on Emergencies

DOHA, Qatar – JFC Naples J9 CMI-CIMIC trained on Civil Military cooperation in Emergency Preparedness and Response (CEPR) in Doha from April 14 to 19.

The course enhanced understanding of NATO’s common framework based on inter-operability of civil and military resources, assets, and capabilities.

To meet the training objectives, several activities and case studies tailored to key hazards and vulnerabilities in the context of Qatar and the broader regional dimension were discussed over a four-day period. 

In particular, facilitators and participants shared perspectives in relation to international teams Qatar could mobilize when responding to large-scale natural disasters in the region and beyond.

In 2015, Qatar took part in an International Search and Rescue Advisory Group (INSARAG) external classification (IEC) exercise held in Doha.

The IEC was in accordance with the INSARAG External Classification/Reclassification Manual and the minimum standards determined by the INSARAG Guidelines.

As a result, the Qatar Search and Rescue Team (QSART) of the Internal Security Forces "Lekhwiya” was awarded the "Heavy” classification as the 45th classified INSARAG team.

Since then, the QSART team has already participated in more than 45 operations around the world and will keep demonstrating their high readiness for any future operations.

Qatari Armed Forces officers and Ministry of Defense representatives attended the event, hosted at the Qatari Armed Forces Training Center in Doha.

The event continued to build on NATO’s cooperation and partnership in the Gulf region. Qatar is one of four countries – along with Bahrain, Kuwait, and the United Arab Emirates – participating in NATO’s Istanbul Cooperation Initiative (ICI).

Launched in 2004, ICI seeks to promote political consultation and practical cooperation between NATO and countries in the Gulf region.

Story by JFC Naples Public Affairs Office

JFC Naples J9 CMI-CIMIC trained on Civil Military cooperation in Emergency Preparedness and Response (CEPR) in Doha from April 14 to 19. 

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