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Dec 19 2019

JFC Naples j9 CMI/CMIC MTT conducts a "civil-military cooperation" training in tunisia

Story by JFC Naples J9

Tunis, Tunisia – Subject Matter Experts from JFC Naples J9 CMI-CIMIC conducted a Mobile Training Team (MTT) event on Civil-Military Cooperation (CIMIC) at the military Health Center in Tunis, from 14 to 19 December 2019. In addition to the Tunisian Armed Forces, selected civilian representatives from the Ministry of Health attended the MTT.

The aim of this course was to provide the training audience with an overview of the various assets, roles, missions, and doctrines related to NATO’s provisions on CIMIC and its relevance in their daily duties and activities primarily at the operational level. To meet training objectives, several activities and case studies were tailored to the context of Tunisia as well as the broader regional dimension. An important focus of the training was given to discussions on NATO Cross-Cutting Topics (CCTs), in particular protection of civilians, children and armed conflict and cultural property protection. Furthermore, students attended a lecture from the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) for Libya.

The event continued to build on the learning outcomes reached during a previous training event conducted by JFCNP J9 in Tunis in October 2019, with the majority of the students having the opportunity to attend both training events and discuss in more details selected topics.

Subject Matter Experts from JFC Naples J9 CMI-CIMIC conducted a Mobile Training Team (MTT) event on Civil-Military Cooperation (CIMIC) at the military Health Center in Tunis, from 14 to 19 December 2019.

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