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JFC Naples Command Senior Enlisted Leader addresses staff

NAPLES, Italy - Command Senior Enlisted Leader, German Army Command Sergeant Major Juergen Stark conducted the initial "quarterly hour”, February 18, 2019.

During this initial event, he briefed on current topics, plans and upcoming events to be organized to strengthen Naples’ community network. The audiences included non-commissioned officers (NCOs) and junior grade officers working at JFC Naples, national support elements, NATO Communication and Information Agency,  NATO Allied Command Counter Intelligence as well as the 2nd NATO Signal Battalion.

Focusing on the importance of the NCOs contribution to staff workflow, Stark encouraged the attendees to support the mobile training activities which JFC Naples provides to NATO partner nations with their knowledge and experiences. JFC Naples continuous to send out its subject matter expert teams to provide classes and training sessions to multiple NATO partner nations. 

"Joining such a mobile training team is one of the few chances for NCOs to demonstrate to partners their leadership and training capacities”, Stark said, adding that it is also "a great opportunity to discover new countries, gain experiences in a different cultural environment and to develop own skills”.

Following the approach "Don’t ask what this Headquarters can do for you, ask what you can do for this Headquarters”, Stark updated the audience on the status of the Other Ranks Association (OR-A) and encouraged personnel to join its Executive Committee.  According to the command’s regular personnel rotation and the subsequent number of people leaving, he inspired everybody to volunteer to keep the association vital.

Among other community events, the Other Ranks Association annually organizes the march on the "Path of the Gods”- a world famous hiking track alongside the Amalfi coast. French Army Master Sergeant Jerome Aragon briefed on the details of that event which will take place on March 28.

The meeting continued with a preview on a study day on March 29 at the JFC Naples’ Moral and Welfare Association’s theatre that will focus on NATO’s 70th anniversary and all related activities, KFOR’s 20th anniversary, and a comprehensive country brief on North Macedonia- the next state joining the Alliance in the near future.  The responsible planner for that event, Royal Air Force Warrant Officer Rab Davies, appreciates any ideas and inputs that contribute for an even more interesting event. 

Command Sergeant Major Stark concluded the first "Quarterly hour” saying that "a variegated community life significantly develops with everybody’s ideas and support only”.

Story by Command Senior Enlisted Leader Military Assistant

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Allied Joint Force Command Naples
Via Madonna del Pantano
80014 Lago Patria
Giugliano in Campania, Naples, Italy

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