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JFC Naples Celebrates International Food Festival

A satisfied customer samples the wares at the JFC Naples International food festival in Lago Patria May 17. (Photo by American Navy Petty Officer First Class (OR-4) Dan Charest,  American Forces Network,  Naples.) 

Story by Sgt. 1st Class Michael O’Brien, JFC Naples Public Affairs

Lago Patria, ITALY - The Allied Joint Force Command Naples held its annual International Food Festival at Leonardo Park May 17, 2019.

Volunteers from 16 NATO nations staffed the stalls as festivalgoers sampled their delicacies.

"This is a fantastic multicultural event involving so many countries from across Europe and North America,” Scottish Warrant Officer (OR-9) Steve McKay, the unit’s Morale Welfare, and Activities Manager said. ”It would take years of traveling to take part in the variety of cultures that people experienced in one day at the International Food Festival.”
The day’s entertainment included recorded music from all 16 nations present and a live band.

"I think IFF stands for International Friends Festival in addition to International Food Festival,” Stephan Jagt, Dutch Navy Lieutenant Commander (OF-3) Joint Operations Center Maritime  and Meteorology Officer said while serving food. "It’s a good way to meet other nations and it’s so easy to talk to each other over food and drinks.”

The event was free for JFC ID cardholders and guests paid just five euro.

The mission of Allied Joint Force Command Naples is to prepare for, plan, and conduct military operations in order to preserve the peace, security, and territorial integrity of Alliance member states throughout SACEUR's Area of Responsibility (AOR) and beyond.

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Allied Joint Force Command Naples
Via Madonna del Pantano
80014 Lago Patria
Giugliano in Campania, Naples, Italy

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