Story by JFC Naples J-9
CHISINAU, Moldova – Joint Forces Command Naples (JFCNP) and NATO HQ, supported by experts from the Peace Support Operations Training Centre (PSOTC) of the Armed Forces of Bosnia and Herzegovina, led a mobile training course on Building Integrity in Peace Support Operations 21-24 May.
The team provided the Moldovan training audience with the principles of Building Integrity (BI) during Military Operations and NATO-led Operations.
The training aimed at the tactical level and specifically for the contingent prior the deployment of Moldovan Armed Forces to international Peace Keeping Operation (PKO).
The Team of two Staff Officer from JFCNP and two from PSOTC Sarajevo trained the 46 Officers, Non-Commissioned Officers (NCOs) and Sergeants, from Moldova’s Armed Forces who attended the event that was held in the Ministry of Defence (MOD) building.
They met the training requirements during the three days activities, by providing both information sessions and syndicate activities.
During the syndicate activities, participants exchanged views on best practices and practical steps to strengthen building integrity, to enhance transparency and accountability and to raise the understanding of the corruption impact on military missions.
They also developed possible course of action/mitigation measures based on "real world” issues case study, to face specific challenges.
In his closing remarks, Radu Burduja General State Secretary of the Ministry of Defense underlined the importance of NATO partnership.
"We are very grateful to NATO HQ, JFC Naples and the PSOTC for such committed assistance," Burduja said.
NATO commends the Moldovan MOD participation in the BI programme and the MOD officials sharing their experience with other countries as it happened during the BI Conference held last February in Washington DC.
This activity has directly supported Moldova/NATO shared military partnership areas of cooperation and broadly it has also supported wider NATO aims to help build the trust and understanding that will lead to better cooperation in the region while increasing military interoperability for future NATO missions.