Story Courtesy JFC Naples J-9 LAGO PATRIA, Italy – JFC Naples J9 CMI/CIMIC, held the first-ever, JFCNP Hosted Cultural Property Protection Roundtable on 30 October 2019.
Members from JFCNP and the International Community met, for a one-day conference, to better understand and mitigate the impact of NATO-led operations in the context of Cultural Property Protection.
The aim of this event was to provide an improved understanding of Cultural Heritage and the importance of its integration into preparation, planning and conduct of NATO and NATO-led operations and missions at all the stages, and the delivery of education, training, excersises, and evaluation.
Armed conflict has and continues to have a severe impact on cultural property. Apart from causing irrecoverable harm to physical property of cultural significance, damage and destruction of cultural property impacts social cohesion and affects the ability of a society to recover from and rebuild in the wake of armed conflict.
The roundtable was hosted and led by J9 in coordination and cooperation with SHAPE J9 and the Comando Carabinieri Tutela Patrimonio Culturale.
Key high-level representatives from UNESCO, Blue Shield, The Center for Cultural Heritage and Armed Conflict, the United Kingdom Ministry of Defence and NATO’s Stability Policing Center of Excellence also attended the event providing valuable contributions and discussion points.
The meeting also served as an opportunity to discuss the way forward in the implementation of the Bi-SC Directive 086-005, “Implementing Cultural Property Protection (CPP) in NATO and NATO-led Operations and Missions”.

LAGO PATRIA, Italy – JFC Naples J9 CMI/CIMIC, held the first-ever, JFCNP Hosted Cultural Property Protection Roundtable on 30 October 2019. (Photo Courtesy JFC Naples J-9)