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Oct 17 2019

J9 Cooperates on Emergency Preparedness and Response

Story courtesy JFC Naples J-9

TUNIS, Tunisia – Subject Matter Experts from JFC Naples J9 CMI-CIMIC conducted a Mobile Training event on Civil-Military Cooperation in Emergency Preparedness and Response (CEPR) here from October 14 to 17 to enhance participants’ understanding of NATO’s role in Civil-Military Cooperation during Emergency Preparedness and Response (EPR).

A wide range of actors shared their perspectives, thus contributing to the creation of a common framework based on inter-operability and effectiveness of civil and military resources, assets, and capabilities.

To meet the training objectives, several activities and case studies tailored to key hazards and vulnerabilities in the context of Tunisia and the broader regional dimension were discussed over a three-day period.

In particular, facilitators and participants shared perspectives in relation to national resources and mechanisms that Tunisia could mobilize and activate by when responding to large-scale natural disasters.

In this regard, participants discussed the disaster risk profile of Tunisia, with a focus on flooding which is one of the major hazards in the context of Tunisia.

The Mobile Training Team highlighted key international tools and services such as the International Search and Rescue Advisory Group (INSARAG), and the United Nations Disaster Assessment and Coordination Team (UNDAC) that can be made available to support national authorities to face large-scale natural disasters that may overwhelm their capacity to respond.

MTT participants included representatives from the Military Health Directorate, officers from the Tunisian Armed Forces and civilian doctors.

The Military Health Directorate in Tunis hosted the event, which continued to build on NATO’s cooperation and partnership in the Mediterranean region.

      TUNIS, Tunisia – Subject Matter Experts from JFC Naples J9 CMI-CIMIC conducted a Mobile Training event on Civil-Military Cooperation in Emergency Preparedness and Response (CEPR) here from October 14 to 17 to enhance participants’ understanding of NATO’s role in Civil-Military Cooperation during Emergency Preparedness and Response (EPR). (Photo courtesy JFC Naples J-9)



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