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Jul 2 2019

Italian Retired Officers Visit JFC Naples

Story by Italian Army Major Alessandro Eterno, JFC Naples Public Affairs Office

LAGO PATRIA, Italy - A delegation of 53 members of the Italian Armed Forces Veteran’s Association (UNUCI) accompanied by family members visited Allied Joint Force Command Naples on July 2.

The officers toured the base, where they received insight into JFC Naples and NATO roles, including also the mission of the NATO Strategic Direction South Hub (NSD-S).

"Coming from a military background, as retired officers, today was informative learning about the current role of JFC Naples and NATO in general,” said Brigadier General Ippolito Gassira.

"It’s impressive to see the different cultures and countries and how they work together, and how important it is to work together,” said one spouse.

The participants also toured the Community Center and saw the Morale and Welfare Activities facilities.

The visit is part of JFC Naples community relations activities. 

LAGO PATRIA, Italy - A delegation of 53 members belonging to the Italian Armed Forces Veteran’s Association (UNUCI), accompanied by family members attend briefings at Allied Joint Force Command Naples on July 2. (Photo by JFC Naples Public Affairs)

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Allied Joint Force Command Naples
Via Madonna del Pantano
80014 Lago Patria
Giugliano in Campania, Naples, Italy

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Public Affairs Office
Attn: Media Section
80014 Lago Patria
Naples, ITALY