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Nov 20 2019

International Club Celebrates Thanksgiving with Luncheon

Story by Ebru Pekari, JFC Naples International Club 

BACOLI, Italy - The JFC Naples International Club celebrated Thanksgiving early on November 20. The U.S. members planned a Route 66-themed luncheon at the Il Gabbiano hotel restaurant in Bacoli. 

A traditional Thanksgiving menu including turkey, stuffing and cranberry sauce was served. 

"The luncheon was a huge success," said Suzanne Gainey, the U.S. Representative to the Club and head organizer. "Events like this allow us to showcase our home nation, our food and our customs with the NATO community. It is the best American holiday, where no matter race, age or religion, we can all come together to share a turkey and express our own personal thanks."

The highlight was the dessert buffet with assorted homemade pies and sweets.

Ricardo Calascibetta, from the MWA International Store, brought his impeccably restored 1959 Chevrolet for once-in-a-lifetime photo taking.

The event included a food drive to support Caritas and Centro Laila. Father Roberto of the JFC Chaplain's office and Calascibetta assisted in getting the donations delivered to those less fortunate in our community.

BACOLI, Italy - The JFC Naples International Club members pose while celebrating Thanksgiving early on November 20. The U.S. members planned a Route 66-themed luncheon at the Il Gabbiano hotel restaurant in Bacoli. Photo courtesy Ebru Pekari, JFC Naples International Club


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Allied Joint Force Command Naples
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