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May 23 2019


Story by JFC Public Affairs

PRISTINA, Kosovo - Admiral James Foggo, commander of NATO’s Allied Joint Force Command Naples, met with Mr. Rrustem Berisha and Lieutenant General Rrahman Rama, Kosovo’s senior-most security officials on May 22.

The leaders discussed the current state of security in Kosovo, and the NATO-led Kosovo Force, known as KFOR, under UN Security Council Resolution 1244. They also discussed the issue of Kosovo’s plan to transition its own Kosovo Security Force, or KSF, into an army, an issue opposed by Serbia.

NATO’s Secretary General and the North Atlantic Council have consistently said that any change to the mandate of the KSF will mean that NATO will re-examine its level of engagement with the KSF.  This work continues in Brussels.

"I expect the transition of the KSF be a gradual, transparent and inclusive effort and closely coordinated with NATO and the international community,” Foggo said. 

NATO remains committed through KFOR to a safe and secure environment in Kosovo, and to stability in the wider Western Balkans. 

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Allied Joint Force Command Naples
Via Madonna del Pantano
80014 Lago Patria
Giugliano in Campania, Naples, Italy

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