Story by JFC Naples Public Affairs
ZAGAN, Poland - The most visible phase of NATO’s exercise is taking place until June 14 with the deployment of nearly 2,500 German, Dutch, and Norwegian troops and some 1,000 vehicles to the military training area Zagan.
The exercise will increase and demonstrate the readiness and mobility of a critical element of the NATO Response Force.
"One of the core elements of the Very High Readiness Joint Task Force is its strategic mobility, the capability of NATO to deploy forces within our territories. We can cross a border of a partner without being hampered to aim into one direction to preserve peace and freedom with our allies here in Europe,” said German Brigadier General (OF-6) Ullrich Spannuth, the Commander of the Land Brigade of the Very High Readiness Joint Task Force. "It is all about coordination, which is at the heart of our Alliance and that has to be tested.”
The first phase of the exercise began May 24, when NATO alerted its Very High Readiness Joint Task Force, or VJTF.
Within 48 hours, the VJTF’s "Spearhead” battalion was ready to deploy.
As part of the VTJF, a Spearhead Battalion comprised of a German, a Dutch and a Norwegian company under German command, deployed to the training area, where the final phase of this exercise the multinational and joint firepower training started today.
In the first full line-up of the VJTF Brigade addressed his troops.
"We had no accidents or breakdowns at all during the whole deployment. It was impressive and absolutely professional how you did it. I'm very proud to be your Commander," said Spannuth. "I'm convinced that the following part of this exercise will mirror the same professionalism and commitment.”
The demanding training of the participants will culminate in a Joint Allied Power Demonstration on June 12.
"It’s a, great opportunity as it is always, being with the troops in the field – there’s nothing more a Commander can wish for,” said an enthusiastic Spannuth.